EGI Plus – Economics and Business Management E-Learning Book

What is EGI Plus?

Egi plus is an e-book created to support students in the study of economic subjects. This interactive e-book is designet to integrate and deepen the notions of economics and business management in business economics and management courses. In particular, the book analyzes everything related to the business world in the digital era: from digital marketing, to new fundraising tools; from digital transformation to blockchain, etc…
Egi plus collocates itself half-way between an e-book, of which it retains the peculiarity of being browsable on digital devices, and an e-learning platform of which self-assessment quizzes and excercises (with related solutions) are typical. Finally, having been created for students, it retains the characteristics of a paper book in terms of being able to underline, highlight and add notes.

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EGI Plus – E-Learning Book Economia e Gestione delle Imprese - Paidea

Gamification and Storytelling

The content is offered with a simple layout, enriched by the presence of a companion character who accompanies the economics student through different scenarios (chapters). Each chapter recreates an environment filled with interactive objects that lead to insights and real cases. This allows the student to memorize the concepts thanks to graphic references, examples and excercises.

Student feedback

To date, the book is used for in-depth study of economic subjects in two courses adding up to 500 university students.
From the first batch of student feedback, following anonymous surveys, a good approval rating was found both in terms of contents and the ease of use.

Topics covered:

  • The enterprise
  • The purposes
  • Digital Transformation
  • Digital and Smart Technolgies
  • Markets, networks, ecosystems
  • Strategies
  • Busines models in the digital era
  • Management planning and control
  • Marketing and Digital Marketing
  • Supply and Logistics
  • Production, Smart manufactoring and Smart Logistics
  • Finance and Crowdfunding
  • Organization
  • Innovation process
  • Stage Gate and Funnel model
  • Open Innovation and Collaborative Innovation

If you wish to find out more, or want a preview of the book, please fill out the form below

    Back cover

    The book proposes the main conceptual references of management studies and the practical applications of business management that describe the reality of today’s enterprises. The changes in society and the competitive context, combined with the digital transformation, create a new scenario in which companies are called to review their decision process and operational activities. The review process of managerial principles and actions considers numerous new elements, among which open innovation, customer experience, customer journey and the introduction of digital tools in company functions, including the customer and competitor relationship management, as the relationship with other actors that make up an increasingly complex, challenge and opportunity filled ecosystem are particularly relevant. The text is aimed at students of Economics and Business Management courses in various three-year degree universities, in order to offer an updated vision of the managerial principles, and contextualized in the competitive scenario of the 4.0 Industry, providing the opportunity to deal with digital and gaming tools for the development of learning methods and innovative skills.

    Gli autori

    Prof.ssa Cristina Mele

    Prof. Cristina Mele

    Professor of economics and business management

    Prof.ssa Tiziana Russo Spena

    Prof.ssa Tiziana Russo Spena

    Professor of economics and business management

    Dott. Marco Tregua

    Dr. Marco Tregua

    Economics and business management researcher